You’ll get paid more
The average tech salary in Northern Ireland is £33,000. A graduate software developer can expect a starting salary from £24,000–£32,000. That compares to an average salary of £26,232 across all jobs in Northern Ireland.
Great jobs on your doorstep
There are lots of job opportunities in IT in Northern Ireland, but IT skills will also open doors for you to travel and work around the world. IT skills will allow you to work across different industries and take many different career paths.
A diverse range of opportunities are open to you across different specialisms
Over 2000 leading tech companies operate in NI, including Allstate, PwC, Neueda, Microsoft, First Derivatives, Liberty IT, Kainos, Novosco, Fujitsu, SAP, Broadsoft, Xlinx, Rapid7 and Whitehat Security.
Build transferable skills
IT jobs often need you to be creative and analytical. The skills you build will transfer easily to any career or business you want to follow in the future.
Relaxed and Informal working environment
The IT sector is inclusive, diverse and team orientated. Around 81% of IT professionals have flexible working arrangements. With IT skills in such high demand, employers offer good conditions to help keep their team happy and motivated. Perks can include free tea, coffee, snacks and lunches, free beer Friday, yoga, social gatherings and well-being initiatives.
Thrive personally
IT projects involve working in a team of enthusiastic and like-minded people. You’ll help each other to develop and fulfil your potential. This makes for a rewarding career.
IT for social good
You’ll get many different opportunities to use your IT skills for social good. Big data is being used to help fight climate change and predict the spread of diseases such as COVID-19.