
Micro:bit – What is it?

13th May 2019

Get Creative, Get Connected, Get Coding – Micro:bit is a tiny programmable computer, designed to make learning and teaching easy and fun! 

The BBC Micro:bit is a handheld, programmable micro-computer that can be used for all sorts of amazing creations from robots to musical instruments. The mirco:bit is the perfect way to start coding in a fun and creative way for anyone, It measures 4cm by 5cm, is available in a range of colours, can be coded with something simple in seconds – like lighting up its LEDs or displaying a pattern – with no prior knowledge of computing.

Key features of the micro:bit

  • 25 red LEDs to light up, flash messages, create games and invent digital stories.• Two programmable buttons activated when pressed. Use the micro:bit as a games controller. Pause or skip songs on a playlist.

    • On-board motion detector or “accelerometer” that can detect movement and tell other devices you’re on the go. Featured actions include shake, tilt and freefall. Turn the micro:bit into a spirit level. Light it up when something is moved. Use it for motion-activated games.

    • A built-in compass or “magnetometer” to sense which direction you’re facing, your movement in degrees, and where you are. Includes an in-built magnet, and can sense certain types of metal.

    • Bluetooth Smart Technology to connect to the internet and interact with the world around you. Connect the micro:bit to other micro:bits, devices, kits, phones, tablets, cameras and everyday objects all around. Share creations or join forces to create multi-micro:bit masterpieces. Take a selfie. Pause a DVD or control your playlist.

    • Five Input and Output (I/O) rings to connect the micro:bit to devices or sensors using crocodile clips or 4mm banana plugs. Use the micro:bit to send commands to and from the rings, to power devices like robots and motors.

    First conceived by BBC Learning in 2012, and initially developed together with the BBC’s award-winning R&D department, the scale and scope of this unique initiative has only been made possible by an unprecedented collaboration between 29 international organisations, pioneering start-ups and transformative education organisations.

    For more information about the mirco:bit and how to use it click the link.

    Belfast Met will be running Belfast IT Girls again this summer from the 5th-9th August 2019, at the camp there will be a chance to get hands on experience using the micro:bit. Click Here for more information and how to register.

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