18th September 2018
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is recognised as vitally important in supporting and ensuring the growth of the Northern Ireland economy. The ICT sector includes companies involved in software development and engineering, systems design and development, web design, technical support and telecommunications. See below the ICT Level 1 Apprentices available with NICS
RF: IRC230522
DEPARTMENT: Northern Ireland Civil Service
SALARY: £14,020.80 (under review)
LOCATION: Greater Belfast area, including Stormont Estate and Belfast City Center
Applicants must, by the closing date for applications:
1) Have applied for the 2018 joint private / public sector ICT
Apprenticeship programme advertised by the Belfast Metropolitan
College in partnership with the Department for the Economy and have
successfully obtained the appropriate standard in the ICT aptitude test
(as provided by Mindmill).
2) Must possess five GCSEs, at Grade C or above which includes English
Language and Mathematics, and an A Level, at grade E or above, in
any subject.
Click Here for more information and a Candidate booklet on how to apply.
Completed application forms must be returned to arrive not later than 12:00 noon (UK time) on Friday 28th September 2018.