4th June 2019
Are you thinking about pursuing a career in the IT sector, but you are just not sure how? There are a range of options out there for everyone from school leavers at GCSE and A Level, graduates from any background not only computing, to anyone who is returning to work after an extended time off.
Why the IT Sector?
The IT sector is one of the fastest growing and most in-demand industries in the UK, with arguably the most significant driver for the modern global economy with an estimate that the sector generates more than over half of the UK’s total economic output and is responsible for around 5% of all jobs in the UK – around 1.5 million employees.
From retail to sport, health, music and banking, IT is a vital component of everyday life for us all with opportunities existing across the industrial spectrum and at every level. Just some of the specialist areas include:
- coding and programming
- refining and improving functionality
- providing communication and network support
- diagnosing and resolving faults
- developing and implementing software solutions
- designing and maintaining websites
Regardless of what area you work in, IT offers everyday challenges, variety of work, and often a relaxed working environment. With such high demand for IT skills and a shortage of suitably qualified and experienced personnel, and competitive salaries.